We hope that this portal is easy to navigate with self-explanatory sections. As much as possible, we try to contextualise the employment contract as part of a wider journey.
We do not aim to have all the answers - in fact we see this space as constantly evolving with the need for adaptability at its core. We hope that some of the thinking in this portal will help your organisational practice. However, as organisations will vary in their circumstances and risks, our learning may not be applicable to your organisation; the materials in our portal are not intended to be legal or other professional advice. Please read the full disclaimer before using this work.
We welcome input from those outside our Employment Contract Peer Group and hope to develop an active community of practice in this area - you are invited to get in touch via [email protected].
If you wish to join the Beyond the Rules mailing list for updates and news of future events you can sign up here.
Our resources on reimagining terms, processes, and the case studies, use Notion tables (’databases’) to structure and sort information, so you can terms search for specific terms and filter policies based on selected criteria. For help on how to use Notion databases, see here.
We’ve annotated our example contract template using Hypothesis. To search for specific annotations and filter by different categories of annotation, see here.
Illustration by Terri Po